Duncan Brasher


Indianapolis, IN




References available on request



I am a software engineer who began programming around 2018. I can work in multiple languages and am comfortable with the version control system Git. I use Linux on all of my hardware and am comfortable at the command line.

I’ve always wanted to be an “engineer”, which I put in quotes as I didn’t fully understand what that meant when I first decided on it. What I’ve always appreciated is the ability to will something useful into existence, as the former NASA engineer Mark Rober put it. I’ve since decided that I want to work as a programmer professionally.


  • Multiple programming languages including Python, Java, Bash, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, and Lisp.
  • Efficient use of a search engine.
  • Vi keybindings.
  • Linux system administration.
  • Dynamic web development using Django.
  • Use of version control systems, namely Git.
  • Use of an issue tracker, submitting pull requests.
  • Software development and content production in teams.
  • Interaction with computers via the command line.


40 West Digital (Phase 2)

February 2024 – June 2024

  • Gained further experience in filmography.
  • Further improved skills in lighting, camera position, shot composure, scene arrangement, and more.
  • Worked in a team to research and produce news segments in our local area.
  • Collaborated in a team to write, shoot, and produce a short comedy film.

40 West Digital

November 2023 – Februrary 2023

  • Gained experience in filmography.
  • Studied techniques in lighting, camera position, shot composure, scene arrangement, and more.
  • Practiced video editing in Adobe Premiere Pro.
  • Worked in a team to produce a video tutorial on producing video tutorials.

Project Invent

November 2022 – March 2023

  • Worked in a team of peers to develop a prototype water cleaning and monitoring system for Belmont Beach.
  • Completed many stages of development, including brainstorming, design deliberation, model building, review, and presentation to engineering experts for additional review.
  • Pitched to investors in San Francisco.
  • Met with employees at Google and Adobe.
  • Toured one of Google’s internal makerspaces.
  • Toured Adobe’s most recent tower.


JULY 2022 – AUGUST 2022

  • Interned at E-gineering and worked as a back-end developer for a customer / sample / result management system.
  • Learned about useful business practices such as SCRUM, story-pointing, ticketing, and more.
  • Learned more about important technologies such as SQL, HTTP, Docker, Git, and so on.
  • Gained experience presenting and explaining my work to a client.
  • Used professional threaded communication tools, namely Slack.

Spatial Harvesters


  • Wrote Java code for the Minecraft mod Spatial Harvesters.
  • Ported to two major modloaders for wide compatibility.
  • The project has over 50,000 recorded downloads on CurseForge.



  • Began writing a 3D sandbox game with the goal of providing as much flexibility and power to the player as possible. The project is is still in development but has already been saved in a Git repository.
  • Learned about graphics and wrote a widget system from scratch to arrange and organize visual elements on screen.
  • Learned about saving data as JSON and made each object in the game able to be converted to this form.