Hello again! This is post 5 on the development progress of my Saoirse (pronounced “Seer-Sha”) game.

Here’s a quick summary of what I’ve done since the last post:

1. I made the rendering system use Pyglet's batching system for improved performance.

2. I updated to Pyglet 2.0 for futureproofing and simplicity in rotating models.

3. I continued work on making all objects provide a json-comptible representation of themselves in any state for saving to disk.

4. Probably the biggest change was that I removed the BaseCategorizedRegistry class as it was adding complexity and wasn't really needed because the Identifiers support unlimited levels of subdivision, not just two.

I also finally got around to putting this project in a Git repository! It can be found here and mirrored here. Since it’s being kept in version control now, I won’t be posting the giant code snippets in these posts any more unless there’s something specific I want to showcase.